Once upon a time, there was a little girl who wanted to be an inventor – but then she realized that nature had done plenty of fascinating inventions for her, so she became a scientist instead. And then she met mitochondria and fell in love forever.

Angelika Harbauer

Max Planck Research Group Leader at MPI for Biological Intelligence

(MPI-BI, in foundation, formerly MPI of Neurobiology)

Tenure-track professor for “Neurons and Metabolism” at Technical University Munich (TUM)


University training and degrees
2003-2009Studies in Molecular Medicine, University of Freiburg, Germany
2009Diploma in Molecular Medicine, Supervisor: Prof. Klaus Pfanner/Chris Meisinger
2009-2014Doctoral Studies in Biochemistry, Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Freiburg, Germany, Supervisor: Prof. Chris Meisinger
2014Dr. rer. nat. (PhD)
Professional Career
2014PostDoc at Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Freiburg, Germany, Mentor: Prof. Chris Meisinger
2015-2019PostDoc at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, Mentor: Prof. Thomas L. Schwarz
since Sept 2019 Max Planck Research Group Leader at MPI of Neurobiology and tenure-track professor for “Neurons and Metabolism” at Technical University Munich
Awards and Honors
2015-2018 Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research post-doctoral fellowship
2015Bayer-Healthcare-Award of the German society for Biochemistry (GBM) for the best PhD thesis
2013Best questions asked of a speaker award, DynaMito conference, Okinawa, Japan
2013Barbara-Hobom-Award of the BIOSS Excellence Cluster to promote young women in science
2011-2013International Research Training Group (IRTG 1478) fellowship (PI: Meisinger)
2004-2008Roche Diagnostics Mentoring program fellow (Mentor Elke Schüler)
2003-2008Bayrische Begabtenförderung, a fellowship for exceptionally talented students funded by the Bavarian government
Other achievements

Proud mother of an adorable daughter (2018)