• News

    FORSCHA 2021

    I was happy to represent our Excellence Cluster SyNergy at the Munich Science Fair (FORSCHA) at the beautiful Traffic museum Munich. I gave a talk to a more general audience on how important mitochondria for our cells and how damage to them can give rise to disease. I guess I sounded like my mom, telling people to eat healthy, stop smoking and get enough sleep :-). If you want you can rewatch the entire thing on youtube (in German).

  • News

    Welcome and good bye

    We say good bye to our first Master student, Ezgi Senoglu, and at the same time welcome a new team member! Welcome Alina!

  • News

    Pink gloves for a PINK lab

    What joy we had when we found out that the new delivery of gloves was not a boring blue or yellow, but hot pink! Especially fitting for a lab studying the Parkinson-related protein PTEN-induced kinase, short PINK. 🙂

  • News

    Welcome, Inma!

    We are happy to welcome our first PostDoc, Inmaculada Segura, this week! Great to have your expertise on RNA transport and local translation on board!

  • News

    Website goes live!

    After promising my lab members to get this done for over a year, it finally is time. We have a website! It is still a little rough, but I love it anyways.

    Thank you for all the nice logo suggestions. This here is my favorite.